Service record as a Mathematician
Dr Jerome Manuceau
At Aix-Marseille I University
Assistant of Theoretical Physics | November 1963 - September 1965 |
Researcher in the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" | October 1965 - November 1968 |
Professor of Mathematics | December 1968 - August 1991 |
Member of the "Laboratoire de Physique Théorique" | September 1965 - August 1978 |
Member of the "Laboratoire de Probabilités et Statistiques" | September 1978 - August 1991 |
At Antilles-Guyane University
Professor of Mathematics | September 1991 - August 2001 |
Director of the "Groupe de Recherche en Statistisques et Mathématiques Appliquées" | September 1991 - August 2001 |
At ISEP (Institut Supérieur d’Électronique de Paris)
Probability-Statistics & Theorical Physics (Quantum Mechanics and General/Special Relativity) Professor | 2010 - 2014 |